Table Of Contents
The Defensive Combat Handgun: An Overview
Enduring Classics
Modern Paradigms
A Blueprint for Learning the Combat Handgun
Current Trends
Combat Handgun Controversies
What Caliber Handgun for Self-Defense?
Carry Methods
Close-Quarters Battle
Better Technique = Better Performance?
Avoiding Mistakes
Accessories And Handgun Enhancements
Beyond the Stereotypes
Selecting a Combat Handgun Today
Parting Words
About the Author
Massad Ayoob owns and operates Massad Ayoob Group (, teaching thousands of students annually about practical shooting tactics and the many aspects of self-defense law. He has published thousands of articles in gun magazines, martial arts publications, and law enforcement journals, and authored more than a dozen books on firearms, self-defense, and related topics, including best sellers such as Deadly Force and Combat Shooting with Massad Ayoob.
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